Monday, May 10, 2010

Paris: The Louvre pt. 2 (day 2)

Croque Monsieur

Ah, at last! FOOOOOD! We stumbled into the Richelieu wing and made our way to the cafe, which my Rough Guide said was the best spot to nosh in the museum. They had a sign up that they were closed for another 30 minutes. Oh NO! But, here's the thing... the French? AWESOME! As DH and I started talking about what our options were for a sit down spot with food, a handsome waiter walked over and asked us if we wanted to sit. He asked us, of course, in French and I responded, very politely in my screwed up version of French - basically apologizing for not having a clue. He was all "English?" and we nodded. "Excellent!" he says. "Would you like to sit and eat?". I look puzzled, "Aren't you closed?" I ask. "Yes, but, you can come in now." Have I mentioned that I love the French? LOVE! So, we sit and he hands us menus, explaining that he can't serve us the specials, as they aren't ready but, he can get us sandwiches. Cold ones. Fine, I say. He gets our drinks and we look at the menu. He comes back. "I can do these" and he points to the Croque Monsieur. "Two please" we say. He smiles and whisks away the menus. I love the French.

Hallway to Napoleon III apartments

After lunch, it's off to see Napoleon III's apartments. Beautiful! I snapped about a billion pictures, which I will spare you.

I want this room

Posing in front of the pretty.

Napoleon III 's dining room in the Louvre
I want this dining room. I really do.

Marble Stairs

We hit one last part - the famous Grand Salle and the Mona Lisa before we stomped off to go shopping!

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