Monday, January 10, 2011

Spring Wreath

photo, originally uploaded by A-T-G.

I spent my Holiday making crochet goodies for friends and family. I decided to make myself a little something, too!

A spring wreath seemed like a grand idea and I managed to pace myself this time! It took me about 4 or 5 hours spread out over a week. Well done, me!

Monday, January 03, 2011

Hope it was Merry!

Fig Waits For Santa

We had a lovely Holiday - all except for poor Fig, who's having some kind of allergy outbreak again. Santa brought her something wonderful for Christmas; lots of paper to jump and play in.

Hope you all had a great Holiday. I'm looking forward to 2011!

Things to do:

Finish a writing project
Go to Japan
Brush up on my Spanish
Visit all my relatives in one calendar year
Make more "Happy Beaver" stuff
Invite people over for dinner more often
Get back into puppets!

Those are NOT resolutions! Just things 'to-do'!