So earlier this month, I jetted off to Walt Disney World for "Destination D: Walt Disney World". It was a solo trip - No Jeff this time and would last about 5 days (including travel). It was a whirlwind!
I hopped on a Virgin America DIRECT flight from SFO to Orlando (Oh, Virgin America. How I love you!) and snagged a upgrade to "Main Cabin Select" seating. Best way to fly! Free movies, free food, priority's like a cheapie version of First Class. I like it! Pictured is my 'travel bear', Humphrey. He keeps me company on trips when the Mister can't come along. That would be him enjoying his free headphones and free entertainment aboard Virgin America. (end unpaid commercial).
Arriving in Orlando, I caught a 'Magical Express' bus to my resort, Coronado Springs.
The room
From the closet area.
Where Humphrey spent his week. Lazy bear.
The room had some really nice touches, too:
I finished off my evening at Portobello at Downtown Disney for dinner. Meatball sliders and pistachio gelato are the perfect way to start a trip (and end a travel day).
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