My first full day in Florida was a scorcher! I headed for EPCOT - my favorite park - to explore and have fun! However, I do NOT do well in the heat so this day was a real slog for me. I had on a sundress, a GIANT hat, AND I was carrying a parasol. I looked ridiculous! The cherry on this outfit was the lace fan I was carrying to TRY to keep my self cool. I lugged my camera around but, it was just to hot (and I was carrying too much crap) to bust out.
My first stop was Paris for a breakfast pastry. It was very good. The coffee slushie was NOT.
Next up I took my bear, Berrie, to the 'cool zone' to sample the Beverly soda. Lemme' 'splain. I took Berrie to Disneyland with Jeff a bit ago and we had a blast. I snapped pics of the day and laughed and laughed. It was almost like seeing the park again for the first time. So, I thought it would be fun to take Berrie to WDW and take lots of pictures. Something to fill the time and keep me busy since I was going all by myself!
What's this?
It smells weird.
Poor Berrie! I'm really the only person I know who likes that weird soda! Apparently, it's quite the game to take a newbie to the 'cool zone' and video their reactions to the very first sip. I witnessed a pretty epic one while I was there. A couple of teachers line their students up against the wall (like a soda firing squad) and gave each of the kids a little cup of the Beverly. The teacher got the camera set up and then instructed the kids to sip. The looks of horror on their little faces! (we'll never trust again!).
My other 'mission' for visiting EPCOT was to 'Race Around the World Showcase'. A "Cars 2" promo. You picked up a little passport and visited marked 'countries' for a sticker. When you get the whole set, you picked up a little prize.
Yeah, not really worth the hike around the world.
Hot and disappointed, I called it a day and began the trek to my afternoon ADR at Coral Reef. I'd never been there before and wanted to sample it to see if it would be a good stop for our nieces next year. I got a seat RIGHT next to the tank, which was lovely. The service was very good as well. I'm just not sure the gals would enjoy this place without that same seat by the tanks.
There ARE fish here, right?
It was so boiling hot that I just wasn't really hungry. I needed to EAT. I hadn't eaten a thing since that pastry in Paris. I ordered the appetizer sampler for two as my entree. It came with fried shrimp, crab cakes, and lobster bisque. The food was all very good. I especially liked the shrimp! I would not, however, recommend eating the sampler as an entree except on a occasion where you're not starving. It really was not a lot of food for the money.
If you're a Smurf, this food overload will cause your stomach to explode! If you're a normal person, this is a drop in the stomach bucket!
After nursing my iced tea and soaking up the arctic death blast from the A/C, I decided to begin my trek to the Contemporary Hotel to meet some friends for dinner. I had heard that the transportation could take quite some time.
Berrie rides the Monorail
I really liked that resort. I wandered the shops and grabbed a coffee. Then I headed over to the ballroom to pick up my Destination D packet for the weekend. I met my friends for dinner at the California Grill. It had a beautiful view of the Magic Kingdom
I ordered the filet with the mascarpone mashed potatoes.
One of my Disney vet pals suggested I sub the potatoes for the goat cheese polenta. I had a hard time with the thought of NO potatoes so, I ordered the polenta on the side.
Oh, goat cheese polenta, where have you been all my life!
My dessert was a latte!
Berrie is STUFFED ! Wokka-wokka!
After all the food, I was too tired to do anything but crawl back to my hotel. Which is exactly what I did.
Next: Destination D - Day one!