Day 6 dawned cold and grey. As if Paris new it was our last day and wanted it to a sad one. We bundled up as best we could. Jeff actually went exploring without me. Off to buy himself some presents (cool French comics and art books) while I packed in our small hotel room.
We decided to meet up on the Rue Royale so we could have some tea, I could pick up some gifts, and he could check out one more store.
We split a lovely omelette with a salad and then treated ourselves to a eclair (heaven) and a light and airy pastry with rum, chocolate, crispy thin wafers of cookie, and yummy. Top all that with Marie Antoinette tea (really floral but, so perfect with desserts) and you've got my perfect afternoon!
(That smile is the smile of the sugar crazed.)
Once we were full and hopped up on sugar, I used the little list they gave us and ordered a plethora of goodies for friends back home. Boxes of tasty macaroons, chocolates, teas, all sorts of decadent delights were bagged and purchased. I got to 'cut' the line that stretched out the door (it pays to dine inside) and when I went to pick up my bag, I ordered extra stuff at the last moment! The poor woman was standing next to me, a small receipt clutched in her hand. She just wanted to pay for her order and LEAVE but, NO! Crazy American has to tack on more sugar (like I need it). I turned to her and in very, very bad French said "Desole, tout est ma faute" (Sorry, it's all my fault) and she laughed and laughed. Shook her head 'no' and patted my arm.
All was forgiven.
Packages bundled under our arms, we stopped off at the Place De Concorde for some photos. I've always wanted to see the Obelisk there.
(see the bag? Full of goodies!)
After trundling over to take pics and drool. The Mister decided he wanted to walk down the Champs-Elysees. How could I say no!
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