My very talented hubby, Jeff was invited to the "Toy Story 3" premiere this past Sunday, at the El Capitan theater, in Hollywood. He worked on all three of the Toy Story films, so we were very excited to attend this event. I decided to make it extra special and booked us a room at the Montage, in Beverly Hills. I'm so glad we did!
The bolster pillows have our initials on them! Next time, I'll put our first name initials on the form. Still, pretty swanky!
Yes, that would be me reflected with a giant grin on my face!
We chilled for a little while and then headed off (adventure awaits!). Silly me had neglected to look at a paper (or any news outlet, really) so, I had no idea that the Pride Parade was taking place in our neighborhood at the same time we were heading out the door! Needless to say we just squeaked into the premiere! Or, as Jeff said: We arrived late enough to be famous! We picked up our badges and made our way down the red carpet (not the press gauntlet! That was reserved for celebs and muckity-mucks!) - we sauntered along the back of the press line and snapped a few pics as we went!
Director Lee Unkrich and Producer Darla Anderson work that red carpet!
Lee heads inside. We should to that, too!
We grabbed out popcorn and soda, put our 3D glasses on and got comfy. We had killer seats! Dead center & about 4 rows back! The lights went down and John Lasseter took the stage to introduce the show. He also introduced Lee, Darla, Tom Hanks, and Tim Allen - who was having a BIRTHDAY! Woody and Buzz wheeled out a HUGE cake and we all sang "Happy Birthday" (I think someone owes Sir Paul some coins). Tom Hanks jumped behind Woody and started talking, John handed him the microphone and 'Woody' got everyone cheering! He and 'Buzz' (Tim Allen had hopped behind Buzz by this point) traded a few jokes and we all just ate it up! What a treat!
They showed "Day & Night" first. I'd seen it in 2-D at the wrap party and loved it. The director, Teddy Newton said it's astonishing in 3-D and let me tell you, it IS! Truly, truly astounding! Jaw-droppingly gorgeous in 3-D! I'm not usually a ra-ra fan of 3-D but, in this case? SEE IT IN 3-D! You will not regret it! It's worth it just for the short! Then, "Toy Story 3" started and I loved it all over again. I had my tissues prepared (thankfully) and I needed them. Next time I see it (opening weekend - in TWO days!!), I won't wear mascara, either.
After the screening, I raced downstairs to the 'little girl's' room and had the most random celeb siting! I saw Evan Lysacek waiting for his 'date' Cheryl Burke (she co-choreographed a dance number for the film - just see it!). I will confess to being a fan of "Dancing with the Stars" and for this past season, I was rooting HARD for Evan and Anna. I tossed all my normal 'too cool for school' schtick and hopped over to shake his hand and gush for a second. Poor guy! Trapped until his date finished!
Once I found Jeff again, we hooked up with some fellow Pixarians and made our way to the "Toy Story Fun Zone" to celebrate!
You would see me with a giant grin on my face too, if I had such a bathroom!! thanks for sharing. it is always such a fun read, when you post.
Thanks! I'm trying to catch back up. I got swamped and am very, very behind.
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