For Christmas my husband was sweet enough to pic me up one of the new Dip-Dye scarves from Hermes (to be fair, I had included it on my Christmas Wish List).
Brides de Gala Dip Dye. It was a rusty red color. Not the one I had been eyeing (it was, however, the color in the link I sent him. Oops). So, after the Holiday rush, I decided to bring it in and swap it out.
This one was a brighter RED and very nice on my super-ghostly skin. It was also a completely different pattern:
"Astrologie" Dip Dye
I really liked this one better than the BdG. BdG IS a classic "H" pattern and very popular but, it never really bowled me over. In fact, the only reason it was on my 'wishlist' was because I liked the dip-dye! Thankfully, the NEW dip-dyes were trickling into the stores when I went it for my swap (it DOES pay to wait, who knew?!).
Ahhh - here they are... I have been searching like crazy for the BdG dip dye pics of yours... congratulations - very cool CW
Thanks, Vanessa. I switched it for "Astrologie" and I love it! Of course, I haven't worn it out of the house yet. Curse you, rainy weather!
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