Each year, my husband and I fill a shopping cart with toys and then donate them to Toys for Tots. It's my favorite Christmas Tradition.
The deal we've made to each other is that we can only fill ONE cart and no single toy may exceed $20.00.
Jeff tosses toys into the cart and I re-arrange them to try to maximize space. I want to fill it as much as possible and hit every single aisle!
We HAD to get "Toy Story" toys in honor of his work.
And Batman MUST make an appearance!
When I was a little girl, many a Christmas miracle came at the generosity of strangers. Somehow, some way, my Mother would get a package to put under our tree, or my school would invite us to a party where we'd be given a present to take home, or a teacher would give us a little something. It is because of this kindness that I managed to maintain a belief in Santa Claus for much longer than my counter-parts. I still cherish this time of year because my associations with it has always been positive. I knew growing up that we, as a family, didn't have money to buy presents but, I also knew that I didn't need any to be happy. Given the choice between having a Christmas tree or getting presents, my sister and I would choose the tree! And yet, each year, come Christmas morning - when my sisters and I would tiptoe down the hall to see what, if any, goodies were to be had - we would always find boxes wrapped in snow white paper (from the North Pole) with our names written in crayon. Truly, a Christmas miracle.
For more information on Toys for Tots, click here.
Wigglytuff from the purse forum here,
what a great post! i just went through your entire blog, which is lovely (i too am greatful for kitten purrs, Little Stewie sounds like a truck outside your door, but Big Bella barely makes a sound!!)
but this is my favorite post of all. By the way i LOVE your mors scarf ring, and now i have to do a hunt for one of my own...
Thanks for the very kind comments! I think this is my favorite post as well!
And you can still find a Mors ring at most "H" scarf counters!
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