Saturday, March 21, 2009

Theme SOTD: Non "H"!

So the scarfies on tPF are still running themed Fridays. This last Friday was "Your Favorite Non-H Scarf". I started buying pretty vintage scarves when I joined tPF. I really loved all the "H" designs but, wanted to make sure I would WEAR a scarf before kicking in the moola for "H". So, off I went to the vintage shops to see what goodies I could unearth!

Here are my favorites (so far!) from my 'collection':


Henry VIII - worn tied as a necklace.


Henry full size

Here's a sweet vintage find!

Postcards from Italy - Silk

Postcard detail

Next is an oldie but, a goodie:

Theme scarf non h
Yellow Flowers. Vintage silk scarf. Worn in a loose knot.

This one was purchased on my Honeymoon. I rarely wear it, as it is very special to me:

Theme SOTD-Non-H
"Marbled" scarf from Venice. Worn with Mors Scarf ring from H.

Last but, never least:
LV Resort wear, 2008 - Boats. Worn with Mors Scarf Ring.

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