Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday RAOK

Holiday colored scarf

For the last few years I've participated in a 'Random Act of Kindness' (RAOK) gift exchange with my gals at tPF (The Purse Blog - peep my links for more info). It's such fun that it's started creeping into my general holiday fun.

This year, a friend sent me a link to a scarf drive mentioned on the SFGate website. I decided I'd like to participate! I've been crocheting up a storm this season - making lots of presents for my friends and family. I stayed up very late and made a Christmas colored scarf to give to them. I dropped it off today. Hope it keeps someone feeling warm and toasty!


Charity Scarf

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Wreath!

photo, originally uploaded by A-T-G.

I've spent much of my Holiday making presents for friends and family. This year was a wreath year. This one is my very first! I made it for my sister-in-law. My Mom and Mother-in-Law got one as well!

Of course, in the mad dash of Christmas prep and shipping, I neglected to take pictures of the other two! Oops.

Still, it's been a fun and exhausting project!

I hope they all love them! Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My New Niece, Riley!

HIP_313975049.134682, originally uploaded by A-T-G.

Spent a week visiting my sister and meeting my new niece, Riley! I also managed to smooch on my niece, Emily and beat my pal, Chris at scrabble. Best visit ever!!