The Mister and I ventured to Vermont this last week. Yes, that right, VERMONT in FEBRUARY!! But, the weather Gods smiled upon us and we enjoyed a lovely trip back East to visit his family.
More pics from our fantastic trip coming up...
One of my favorite things to make is a frittata! It's easy and tasty. For this one I used stuff in my fridge. No need to run out to the store for anything! That's the beauty of a frittata - you can put just about anything in it!
4 eggs
2 small yukon gold potatoes
2 leeks
1 strip of bacon (I always have a piece of bacon for a recipe. I freeze the extras by rolling them in little balls and then placing them in a bag in the freezer!).
herb de provence
1/4 cup of cheese (any kind - it's optional to use cheese or skip it)
Clean and dice the potatoes. Cut up the leeks (white part only) and place in a bowl of water. Separate the rings and splash them around a bit. Remove with a slotted spoon and dry. Mince the slice of bacon. Put the bacon in a (oven safe) non stick skillet over med. heat and cook. Add the potatoes when the bacon has rendered some of it's fat (2-3 mins). Toss the potatoes in the fat. If needed add a splash of olive oil. Let the potatoes get some color and brown. Add the leeks. Let them soften but, not get any color. Salt and Pepper to taste.
Put the oven to 475
In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, a splash of milk, cheese, and about a tsp of herb de provence. Pour into the skillet. Use a rubber or wooden spoon to stir the eggs into the potato mixture to evenly distribute it through the pan. Let it cook for a minute or two. Place the skillet in the oven and let cook 5 to 7 minutes. Take out of the oven (use a mitt!). Place onto a cutting board and serve immediately.
Now, try it with your favorite ingredients or leftovers! It'll become a weekly addition.
Receipe as follows:
Bundle of Kale
1 shallot
2 gloves garlic
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp olive oil
white wine & water combined to equal 1/3 cup
Melt butter in a skillet, add tsp olive oil. Once heated, add garlic and shallot. Stem and chop kale, add it to the butter and oil. Add wine and water to pan cover and cook - roughly 5 minutes. toss the mixture to coat the kale and serve. Deee-liii-cious!
Thoughts in my head... ...clothes on my back.