So, it was brought to my attention that someone was posting my images in their flickr account and claiming them as their own.
How crazy is that?!
The entire flickr account is filled to the brim of other scarfies photos and NONE of them have the proper credit given. NONE. Now, some of you might be wondering "what's the deal?" or saying "But, you post your pics to the public all the time?!" and to that I would say, true. I do. I post images taken by MYSELF. The stuff I'm posting here belongs to me as the photographer and is a copyrighted image. I actually work at attempting to take pleasing photos of my collection. I'm not saying I'm Andy Warhol or anything! Far from it!
I just find it galling that someone would post others images with no credit. And that's the rub. It's not like this stuff is making me money - it really isn't! So, I wouldn't even care is the flickr member posted pics of me all over the place - as long as the photos were credited to me, with a link to my own photos.
I think that's fair, don't you?
If YOU, dear reader, happened to see an image here and wanted to use it on YOUR sites or blogs, and you weren't using it for commercial purposes. I wouldn't be angry with you pulling the image and posting it. AS LONG AS IT WAS PROPERLY CREDITED AND LINKED BACK TO ME! See what I did there? I've just given permission to use my stuff, with proper credit. I will, however, come down like a hammer on anyone illegally using my stuff - stuff they took without credit, without notice, or used commercially without permission.
Okay. Rant over.
UPDATE: The person contacted me and offered to remove the pics. Lovely! I made them the same offer as above (since they were being used for information only). We'll see what ends up happening. I am so pleased they contacted me immediately!